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Lagus et. al

Independent Variable Group Analysis

Krista Lagus - Esa Alhoniemi - Harri Valpola

{krista.lagus, esa.alhoniemi, harri.valpola}


When modeling large problems with limited representational resources, it is important to be able to construct compact models of the data. Structuring the problem into sub-problems that can be modeled independently is a means for achieving compactness. In this article we introduce Independent Variable Group Analysis (IVGA), a practical, efficient, and general approach for obtaining sparse codes. We apply the IVGA approach for a situation where the dependences within variable groups are modeled using vector quantization. In particular, we derive a cost function needed for model optimization with VQ. Experimental results are presented to show that variables are grouped according to statistical independence, and that a more compact model ensues due to the algorithm.


Krista Lagus