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Updating the posterior distribution

The posterior distribution $ q(s)$ of a latent Gaussian node can be updated as follows.

  1. The distribution $ q(s)$ affects the terms of the cost function $ {\cal C}_s$ arising from the variable $ s$ itself, namely $ {\cal C}_{s,p}$ and $ {\cal C}_{s,q}$, as well as the $ {\cal C}_p$ terms of the children of $ s$, denoted by $ {\cal C}_{\operatorname{ch}(s),p}$. The gradients of the cost $ {\cal C}_{\operatorname{ch}(s),p}$ with respect to $ \left< s \right>$, $ \mathrm{Var}\left\{s\right\}$, and $ \left< \exp s \right>$ are computed according to Equations (13-16).

  2. The terms in $ {\cal C}_p$ which depend on $ \overline{s}$ and $ \widetilde{s}$ can be shown (see Appendix B.2) to be of the form 3

    $\displaystyle {\cal C}_p={\cal C}_{s,p}+{\cal C}_{\operatorname{ch}(s),p}=M\overline{s} + V[(\overline{s}- \overline{s}_$current$\displaystyle )^2 + \widetilde{s}] + E \left< \exp s \right>,$ (17)


    $\displaystyle M = \frac{\partial {\cal C}_{p} }{\partial \overline{s}} <tex2htm...
...partial {\cal C}_{p} }{ \partial \widetilde{s}} <tex2html_comment_mark>146 \: ,$    and $\displaystyle E = \frac{\partial {\cal C}_{p} }{ \partial \left< \exp s \right> }. %c
$ (18)

  3. The minimum of $ {\cal C}_s$ = $ {\cal C}_{s,p} + {\cal C}_{s,q} + {\cal C}_{\operatorname{ch}(s),p}$ is solved. This can be done analytically if $ E = 0$, corresponding to the case of so-called free-form solution (see Lappal-Miskin00 for details):

    $\displaystyle \overline{s}_$opt$\displaystyle = \overline{s}_$current$\displaystyle - \frac{M}{2V}\: , \hspace{7mm} \widetilde{s}_$opt$\displaystyle = \frac{1}{2V}.$ (19)

    Otherwise the minimum is obtained iteratively. Iterative minimisation can be carried out efficiently using Newton's method for the posterior mean $ \overline{s}$ and a fixed-point iteration for the posterior variance $ \widetilde{s}$. The minimisation procedure is discussed in more detail in Appendix A.

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Tapani Raiko 2006-08-28