This section gives a short introduction to logical hidden Markov models. A more thorough introduction can be found in [9].
A logical hidden Markov model (LOHMM) is a generative model, which can
be described as a set of transitions and a set of selection
probabilities for variables. For example
Each transition includes 1) the logical atom called body which is the source of the transition; 2) the logical atom called head which is the destination of the transition; 3) the logical atom which is observed1 and 4) the probability associated to the transition. The names body and head and the direction to the left are used since transitions of a LOHMM can be seen as augmented logical clauses.
For reasons that will become clear, we need the more specific relation among atoms. An atom is (strictly) more specific than atom if can be transformed into by substituting some of its variables, but cannot be transformed into similarly. For example is more specific than since the variables and can be substituted with , but cannot be substituted with both and at the same time.
A logical sequence can be generated from a LOHMM by repeating the steps below. At each time point, the process is in a (hidden) state represented by a logical atom. It starts in the special state called start.
We use a simple selection distribution here: Each argument of an atom has a type and each type has a distribution over constants associated to it. In our example, the only type is defined as redgreenblue.
A LOHMM is well-defined, if there is a unique most specific body for every state and if the transition probabilities for a single body sum up to one. For example, if there were bodies and red in a LOHMM and the current state was redred, one could not say which body to use. The problem is avoided by adding transitions with the body redred.
LOHMMs combine logical reasoning with probabilistic (statistical) modelling. For example, if we know the LOHMM produced the sequence greenblue, we can compute that the probability of being in the hidden state greenblue at time is . If we also know, that the third observation is green, we can be certain that the hidden state at time was in fact greenblue.