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Future Work

When learning from data, the model represents well only those phenomena that appear in the data. If the data is too uniform, the model will not become robust. In other words, one should balance between exploration and exploitation. In this paper, the data sets are generated partly by hand and all the control schemes aim at exploitation only. A good starting point for taking exploration into account is in [16]. For direct control, the model was learned using examples of control with a single goal in mind. It is straightforward to generalise this into a situation with a selection of different goals. The dynamics of the system stays the same regardless of the goal and only the policy mapping (see Figure 1) needs to be changed for each goal. The direct and indirect control methods can be used together. One can use the data produced by indirect control methods for learning the direct controller. This can be done even offline, that is, simulating the estimated model and sampling observations from their predicted distributions. This can be compared to dreaming. The enhancement of the task-oriented identification (policy mapping) in turn helps the indirect methods, too. This idea is comparable to temporal difference learning [15] where the difference of temporally successive predictions is used for adjusting the earlier one. One should be careful, though. If the examples given for learning are fluent all the time, the robustness of the model might start to decrease. When faced with an unknown state, the best thing to do is often first decrease the uncertainty by for example looking around, and then take action based on what has been revealed. This is called probing. Unfortunately the simple posterior approximation used in this paper does not allow such plans. The future actions (control signals) need to depend on future states but unfortunately they are assumed to be independent here. An interesting continuation is to use another posterior approximation, such as particle filters, for allowing that.
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Tapani Raiko 2005-05-23