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Previous: Future Work
Selecting actions based on a state-space model instead of based on the
observation directly has many benefits: Firstly, it is more resistant
to noise because it implicitly involves filtering. Secondly, the
observations (without history) do not always carry enough information
about the system state. Thirdly, when nonlinear dynamics are modelled
by a function approximator such as an multilayer perceptron
network, a state-space model can find such a representation of the
state that it is more suitable for the approximation and thus more
When task-oriented identification is used, the state representation
becomes such that also the control signals become easier to predict,
that is, control becomes easier. The learned policy mapping can also
be straightforwardly used for direct control. We think that
task-oriented identification should also help indirect control methods
but this is yet to be experimentally confirmed.
Nonlinear state-space models seem promising for complex control tasks,
where the observations about the system state are incomplete or the
dynamics of the system is not well known. The experiments with a
simple control task indicated the benefits of the
proposed approach. There is still work left in combating high
computational complexity and in giving some guarantees or proofs on
performance especially in unexpected situations or near boundaries.
Next: Acknowledgement
Up: Discussion and Conclusion
Previous: Future Work
Tapani Raiko