In [5], a nonlinear generative model
(1) was estimated by ensemble learning and the method was
called nonlinear factor analysis (NFA). A more recent version with an
analytical cost function and a linear computational complexity, is
called hierarchical nonlinear factor analysis (HNFA)
In many respects HNFA is similar to NFA. The posterior approximation,
for instance, was chosen to be maximally factorial for the sake of
computational efficiency and the terms
were restricted
to be Gaussian.
In NFA, a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network with one hidden layer
was used for modelling the nonlinear mapping
Learning is unsupervised and thus differs in many ways from standard
backpropagation. Each step in learning tries to minimise the cost
function (2). In NFA, the sources are updated while keeping
the mapping constant and vice versa. The computational complexity is
proportional to the number of paths from sources to the data, i.e. the
product of sizes of the three layers. In HNFA, all terms
are updated one at a time. The
computational complexity is linear with the number of connections in
the model and thus HNFA scales better than NFA. In both algorithms,
the update steps are repeated for several thousands of times per
In NFA, neither the posterior mean nor the variance of
can be computed analytically. The approximation based
on Taylor series expansion may be inaccurate if the posterior variance
for the input of the hidden nodes grows too large. This may be the
source of the instability observed in some simulations. Preliminary
experiments suggest that it may be possible to fix the problem at the
expense of efficiency.
In HNFA, the posterior mean and variance of the mappings in
(4) and (5) have analytic expressions.
This is possible at the expense of assuming independencies of the
extra latent variables
in the posterior approximation
. The assumption increases the misfit between the approximated
and the true posterior. Minimisation of (2) pushes the solution
in a direction where the misfit would be smaller. In
[13], it is shown how this can lead to suboptimal
separation in linear ICA. It is difficult to analyse the situation in
nonlinear models, but it can be expected that models with fewer
simultaneously active hidden nodes and thus more linear mappings are
favoured. This should lead to conservative estimates of the
nonlinearity of the model.
Since HNFA is built from simple blocks introduced in
[14], learning the structure2 becomes
easier. The cost function (2) relates to the model evidence
and can thus be used to compare
structures. The model is built in stages starting from linear FA,
i.e. HNFA without hidden nodes. See [1] for
further details.