In September 2013, I became the head and supervising professor of the
AML research group, following Prof.
Olli Simula after his retirement. The name of this research group was until recently
Environmental and Industrial Machine Learning (EIML). This has been my most
important research group. My tasks have involved acquiring financial support for the
research group, guiding and handling doctoral and Master's (Diploma Engineer) theses,
making formal decisions, arranging group meetings, and some other matters.
Dr. Amaury Lendasse
created and led in practice the research of the EIML group, whose name was originally
time series processing (TSP) group. From September 1, 2014, Dr. Lendasse became
associate professor in the Iowa University in the United States.
On the theoretical side, the AML group has been quite active in improving
extreme learning machine (ELM) in various ways. In its basic form extreme learning
machine, introduced in 2006, is a fast but efficient neural network method which
has recently become quite popular, and has already many practical applications.
The AML research group has also made theoretical contributions to time series
prediction, variable selection, and projecting data into two dimensions for
information visualization.
The application topics of the AML research group include or have included
environmental modeling, various industrial applications of machine learning,
and malfare detection in internet and mobile phones.
Recently, researcher and graduate student Luiza Sayfullina was moved under
Assistant Prof. Alexander Jung's supervision, and similarly Alexander Grigorievskiy
under Prof. Aki Vehtari's supervision. Alexander Grigorievskiy has enough papers
for his doctoral thesis, and he is writing its introductory and summarizing part.
Currently, this research group is
studying mainly deep learning of complex and large probabilistic models. Deep learning
deals with advanced methods for learning neural networks that have several hidden layers.
It is currently a hot research topic because it has provided world record performances
in several benchmark problems of machine learning.
Assistant professor Tapani
Raiko led this research group until he moved to Apple Corp. in August 2016.
Kyunghyun Cho, Jaakko Luttinen, and Mathias Berglund have achieved their Ph.D. in
technology degrees, and moved then to new positions elsewhere. Several of the researchers
in the Deep Learning and Bayesian Modeling research group are now working in the
Curious AI company. It is developing
so-called Ladder and Tagger deep neural networks that have provided excellent results.
Curious AI's CEO and main innovator Dr. Harri Valpola was the principal researcher
in the predecessor of this research group described below, and got his doctoral degree
under my supervision in 2000.
Some years ago this was my main research group, and its name was Bayesian algorithms for
latent variable models. This former research group applied variational Bayesian learning
(sometimes earlier called also Bayesian ensemble learning) methods to unsupervised or
blind learning problems for continuous-valued data. The data is modeled using
either neural networks or other graphical models. More detailed information on these
research results can be found in the research reports of the Bayes group, covering
the years
2002-2003, and
The Independent component analysis (ICA) and blind source separation (BSS)
research group has studied blind source
separation, independent component analysis, and non-negative low-rank learning.
The group was largest and most active around the year 2000, with publication of the
book "Independent Component Analysis"
which has become a standard reference in the field. Another major achievement
of this research group was the development of the FastICA algorithm by current
Prof. Aapo Hyvärinen in 1997. Due to its computational efficiency and effectiveness,
FastICA is still the most
widely used ICA algorithm. Prof. Erkki Oja has led this research group. After
his retirement in February 2015 the group has not been active, but it is historically
quite important.
Detailed information on earlier research results of the croup can be found in the
research reports of the ICA and BSS group, covering the years
2002-2003, as well as
theoretical ICA research in 2000-2001, and
applications of ICA in 2000-2001.
Juha Karhunen was the supervising professor and formal head of the
Computational methods and data analysis
for astrophysics research group until February 2017, until Prof. Aki Vehtari
took my place. In practice, the group is led by
Dr. Maarit Käpylä, earlier
Mantere. She is is now 20% of her time visiting professor here at Aalto University
Dept. of Computer Science. Her main affiliation is however research group leader in
the highly esteemed Max Planck Institute of Solar System in Göttingen, Germany.
Dr. Frederick Gent, Dr. Matthias Rheinhardt, and M.Sc. Nigul Olspert are working in
her research group in our department in Aalto University, in collaboration
with several researchers fron University of Helsinki. This research group belongs to
the ReSoLVE (Research on Solar Long-term
Variability and Effects) Centre of Excellence of the Academy of Finland.
I was also the supervising professor and formal head of the
Content-based image and information retrieval
research group after the retirement of Prof. Erkki Oja in February 2015. The research
of this group is led in practice by Dr. Jorma Laaksonen. Its new supervising professor
is Samuel Kaski.
I have studied also robust principal component analysis (PCA) and missing values in PCA,
see my recent publications.
Information about my older research efforts on nonlinear PCA, ICA and BSS,
and their extensions, as well as on subspace methods in CDMA can be found in my
publications as well as in the triennial report (covering the years 1997-1999) and
quinquennial report (covering the years 1994-1998) of our laboratory, available