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Let us model a set of observations,
by a
Gaussian distribution parametrised by mean m and log-std
We shall approximate the posterior distribution by
q(m,v) =
q(m)q(v), where both q(m) and q(v) are Gaussian. The
parametrisation with log-std is chosen because the posterior of v is
closer to Gaussian than the posterior of
be. (Notice that the parametrisation yielding close to Gaussian
posterior distributions is connected to uninformative priors discussed
in section 5.1.)
Let the priors for m and v be Gaussian with means
and variances
The joint density of the observations and the parameters m and vis
![\begin{displaymath}p(\vec{x}, m, v) = \left[ \prod_t p(x(t) \vert m, v) \right] p(m) p(v) \, .
\end{displaymath}](img82.gif) |
(19) |
As we can see, the posterior is a product of many simple terms.
Let us denote by
the posterior mean and
variance of m.
![\begin{displaymath}q(m; \bar{m}, \tilde{m}) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \tilde{m}}}
\end{displaymath}](img85.gif) |
(20) |
The distribution
is analogous.
The cost function is now
We see that the cost function has many terms, all of which are
expectations over q(m, v). Since the approximation q(m, v) is
assumed to be factorised into
q(m, v) = q(m) q(v), it is fairly easy
to compute these expectations. For instance, integrating the term
over v yields
does not depend on v and. Since q(m) is assumed
to be Gaussian with mean
and variance
integral is, in fact, minus the entropy of a Gaussian distribution and
we have
![\begin{displaymath}\int q(m) \ln q(m) dm = -\frac{1}{2}(1 + \ln 2\pi \tilde{m}) \, .
\end{displaymath}](img95.gif) |
(22) |
A similar term, with
replaced by
comes from
The terms where expectation is taken over
are also simple since
![\begin{displaymath}-\ln p(m) = \frac{1}{2} \ln 2\pi \sigma_m^2 + \frac{(m -
\mu_m)^2}{2\sigma_2} \, ,
\end{displaymath}](img100.gif) |
(23) |
which means that we only need to be able to compute the expectation of
over the Gaussian q(m) having mean
This yields
since the variance can be defined by
which shows that
Integrating the equation 23 and substituting
equation 24 thus yields
![\begin{displaymath}-\int q(m) \ln p(m) dm = \frac{1}{2} \ln 2\pi \sigma_m^2 +
\frac{(\bar{m} - \mu_m)^2 + \tilde{m}}{2\sigma_2} \, .
\end{displaymath}](img107.gif) |
(25) |
A similar term, with m replaced by v, will be obtained from
The last terms are of the form
Again we will find out that the factorisation
q(m, v) = q(m)
q(v) simplifies the computation of these terms. Recall that x(t)was assumed to be Gaussian with mean m and variance e2v. The
term over which the expectation is taken is thus
![\begin{displaymath}-\ln p(x(t) \vert m, v) = \frac{1}{2} \ln 2\pi + v + (x(t) - m)^2
e^{-2v} \, .
\end{displaymath}](img110.gif) |
(26) |
The expectation over the term
(x(t) - m)2 e-2v is easy to
compute since m and v are assumed to be posteriorly independent.
This means that it is possible to take the expectation separately from
(x(t) - m)2 and e-2v. Using a similar derivation as in
equation 24 yields
the first term. The expectation over e-2v is also fairly easy to
This shows that taking expectation over equation 26 yields a term
![\begin{displaymath}-\int q(m, v) \ln p(x(t) \vert m, v) dm dv = \frac{1}{2} \ln ...
...[(x(t) - \bar{m})^2 + \tilde{m}]e^{2\tilde{v} - 2\bar{v}} \, .
\end{displaymath}](img117.gif) |
(28) |
Collecting together all the terms, we obtain the following cost
are very large, the minimum of
the cost function can be solved by setting the gradient of the cost
function C to zero. This yields the following:
![$\displaystyle \bar{m}$](img122.gif) |
= |
![$\displaystyle \frac{1}{N} \sum_t x(t)$](img123.gif) |
(30) |
![$\displaystyle \tilde{m}$](img124.gif) |
= |
![$\displaystyle \frac{\sum_t (x(t) - \bar{m})^2}{N(N-1)}$](img125.gif) |
(31) |
![$\displaystyle \bar{v}$](img126.gif) |
= |
![$\displaystyle \frac{1}{2N} +
\frac{1}{2} \ln \frac{1}{N-1}\sum_t (x(t) - \bar{m})^2$](img127.gif) |
(32) |
![$\displaystyle \tilde{v}$](img128.gif) |
= |
![$\displaystyle \frac{1}{2N}$](img129.gif) |
(33) |
In case
cannot be assumed very large,
the equations for
are not that simple, but
the solution can still be obtained by solving the zero-point of the
Comparison of the true and approximate posterior distributions for a test set containing 100 data points drawn from a model with m=1 and
The plot on the left shows the true posterior distribution over m and v. The plot on the right shows the approximate posterior distribution consisting of a diagonal Gaussian distribution.
![\includegraphics[width=10.0cm]{prob_contour1.eps}](img131.gif) |
Figure 3 shows a comparison of the true posterior distribution and the approximate posterior. The data set consisted of 100 points drawn from a model with m=1 and
The contours in both distributions are centred in the same region, a model that underestimates m.The contours for the two distributions are qualitatively similar although the true distribution is not symmetrical about the mean value of v.
Next: Free Form Q
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Harri Lappalainen