The approximating posterior distribution is again chosen to be of a factorial form
The distributions of the state variables are as they were in the
individual models,
as in Equation (5.14) and
as in Equations (5.43)-(5.46). The
distribution of the parameters
is the product of
corresponding distributions of the individual models, i.e.
There is one additional approximation in the choice of the form of
. This can be clearly seen from Equation (5.50).
After marginalising over
, the conditional probability
will be a mixture of as many Gaussians as there are
states in the HMM. Marginalising out the past will result in an
exponentially growing mixture thus making the problem intractable.
Our ensemble learning approach solves this problem by using only a
single Gaussian as the posterior approximation
This is of course just an approximation but it allows a tractable way
to solve the problem.