Articles of FiCLA
Cognitive Linguistics Association FiCLA
The association was founded in Stockholm, Sweden, on 14 July 1999, and
its first annual meeting was held at the Finnish Conference of Linguistics,
Oulu, Finland, on 20 May 2000. The association fosters dialogue between
researchers interested in the relationship between language and cognition,
with special emphasis on facilitating various research orientations.
Future events
The Finnish Cognitive Linguistic Association (FiCLA) and the Finnish
graduate school in Language Studies Langnet will organize a symposium
Cognitive approaches to metaphors of power at University
of Helsinki, 12-13 October 2006.
Note also that the 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference
will take place in Poland in July 15-20, 2007.
Past events
[25 - 26 November 2005] An international symposium in Interdisciplinary Themes in Cognitive Language Research
was organized by the Finnish Cognitive Linguistics Association FiCLA and the
Cognitive Science Unit of the University of Helsinki.
The main subject of the symposium was the mutual relevance of empirical cognitive science and cognitive linguistics.
FiCLA has been promoting and supporting the collaboration between linguistics and the other cognitive sciences from its inception in 1999. Now the association wishes to approach the common scientific basis from an up-to-date point of view.
workshop, focusing on linguistic semantics. Venue: Helsinki University
of Technology, Espoo, Finland. The workshop was organised in connection
with the AKRR'05 conference on Adaptive
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.
Contact information
FiCLA board 2006-2007
Jaakko Leino (firstname.surname at helsinki.fi)
University of Helsinki
Vice president
Timo Honkela
Helsinki University of Technology
Secretary and treasurer
Anni Jääskeläinen
University of Helsinki
Vice secretary
Heli Tissari (firstname.surname@helsinki.fi)
University of Helsinki
Pauli Brattico (firstname.surname@helsinki.fi)
University of Helsinki
Michaela Pörn (firstname.surname@abo.fi)
Åbo Akademi University
Tiina Onikki-Rantajääskö (firstname.surname@oulu.fi)
University of Helsinki