FiCLA - Suomen kognitiivisen kielentutkimuksen yhdistys

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Articles of FiCLA

Suomen kognitiivisen kielentutkimuksen yhdistys
Föreningen för kognitiv lingvistik i Finland
The Finnish Cognitive Linguistics Association

Adopted at the first General Meeting of the Association in Oulu, May 20, 2000.

--> Article 1.

The name of the Association shall be The Finnish Cognitive Linguistics Association (FiCLA). The place of domicile of the Association is Turku, Finland. The Association is the Finnish national branch of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA).

--> Article 2.

The founding meeting of the Association was held at the Sixth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC '99), in Stockholm, Sweden, 14 July 1999.

--> Article 3.

The main objectives of the Association shall be:

  1. to promote research and teaching dealing with all fields of cognitive linguistics in Finland;
  2. to create a forum of cooperation for scholars engaged in research in cognitive linguistics and related branches in Finland;
  3. to develop cooperation between Finnish and foreign scholars and students of cognitive linguistics and related branches;
  4. to promote dialogue between cognitive and other branches of linguistics

--> Article 4.

Anyone willing to promote the goals mentioned in Article 3 may become a regular member of the Association by paying either the annual membership fee or the fee for a lifetime membership. The fees are determined each year by the General Meeting of the Association. Regular student members pay a reduced fee.

Organizations and groups may become Passive Members of the Association by paying the membership fee for Passive Members. The fee is determined annually at the General Meeting.

Persons especially distinguished in the field of activities of the Association, and persons who have been particularly efficient in promoting the goals of the Association can be nominated Honorary Members of the Association.

Only Regular Members shall have the right to vote at the meetings of the Association.

--> Article 5.

The Association shall have an Executive Board, which consists of a President, a Secretary, and four to six regular board members, all elected annually. If possible, the Executive Board shall have a board member from each university represented in the membership of the Association. The Board is elected for a one-year term. Unless a cogent reason occurs, one person can be elected member of the Executive Board for three successive years at the most.

The Executive Board is competent if the President or the Vice President and at least three other Board Members are present. The Executive Board can also hold distance meetings by telephone, e-mail or other means. In case of a tie in voting, the President shall cast the deciding vote, except in elections where it will be drawn by lot.

--> Article 6.

From among the Board Members, the Executive Board shall elect the Treasurer of the Association, the Vice President and the Vice Secretary. The Executive Board can appoint a Working Committee to deal with current matters. The Secretary can also be the Treasurer.

--> Article 7.

All documents binding the Association shall be signed by the President, or by the Vice President together with the Secretary.

--> Article 8.

The General Meeting shall elect two Auditors and two Vice Auditors.

--> Article 9.

The year of activity and the fiscal year of the Association shall be from 1 April to 31 March. The accounts and the annual report must be submitted to the Auditors two weeks before the General Meeting.

--> Article 10.

The General Meeting of the Association shall be held in the beginning of the Association's year of activity, at a time determined by the Executive Board. Additional meetings may be convened if considered necessary by the Executive Board, or if at least one tenth of the Regular Members of the Association, in writing, ask the Ecexutive Board to organize a meeting for a consideration of a particular matter. Invitations to attend the meetings of the Association shall be circulated at least ten days before the meeting. The invitation can be sent by e-mail. The President or the Vice President can act as conveners of the meetings.

--> Article 11.

The General Meeting shall:

  1. elect a Chairperson and a Secretary and two scrutinizers of the minutes for the meeting;
  2. approve the annual report of the Association;
  3. approve the accounts and the Auditors' statement and grant a discharge from liability to the Executive Board and the Treasurer;
  4. determine the membership fee;
  5. approve the plan of action and the budget for the upcoming year of activity;
  6. elect the President of the Executive Board and the Secretary for the upcoming year of activity;
  7. elect four to six Regular Board Members for the upcoming year of activity;
  8. elect two Auditors and two Vice Auditors to audit the accounts and administration of the upcoming year of activity;
  9. decide on other matters brought up for discussion by the Board Members or Regular Members of the Association, taking into account the regulations of Articles 12 and 13.

--> Article 12.

Matters brought up by Members at the meeting may be taken up for discussion but not for decision.

--> Article 13.

Resolutions at the meetings shall be passed by a majority vote, excluding matters related to Articles 14 and 15.

--> Article 14.

These articles can be amended at a meeting of the Association if the proposed amendment has been mentioned in the invitation and if a 3/4 majority votes in favour of the amendment.

--> Article 15.

A decision concerning the dissolution of the Association must be made in two meetings held with an interval of at least one month, with a 3/4 majority of votes. If the Association is dissolved, its funds shall be used for a purpose serving the goals of the Association, as determined in the final meeting making the decision of the dissolution of the Association.


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