
  • If you are a PhD student in data science/computational social science and feel stuck/helpless, feel free to reach out to me. I have open slots to chat every month. We can talk about anything, research, life, hobbies, etc. some random thoughts I collected through out my PhD are here (note: they are highly personal, may not apply to you; some of them are not my own quotes).
  • If you are thinking of doing a PhD: Try to think of why you want to do a PhD. A PhD is a highly stressful 4-5 most productive years of your life. You should strongly convince yourself first before taking the step. There maybe dark times when life is going to be hard and unless you have this strong reason you might regret your choice.
  • If you are on the academic job market (postdoc or faculty) and want to get feedback on your materials or chat about the process, feel free to reachout.