In principle, both the nonlinear factor analysis and independent factor analysis can model any time-independent distribution of the observations. MLP networks are universal approximators for mappings and mixture-of-Gaussians for densities. This does not mean, however, that the models described here would be optimal for any time-independent data sets, but the Bayesian methods which were used in the derivation of the algorithms allow easy extensions to more complicated models. It is also easy to use Bayesian model comparison to decide with model is most suited for the data set at hand.
An important extension would be the modelling of dependencies between
consecutive sources
because many
natural data sets are time series. For instance both the speech and
process data sets used in the experiments clearly have strong
In the Bayesian framework, treatment of missing values is simple which opens up interesting possibilities for the nonlinear models described here. A typical pattern recognition task can often be divided in unsupervised feature extraction and supervised recognition phases. Using the proposed method, the MLP network can be used for both phases. The data set for the unsupervised feature extraction would have only the raw data and the classifications would be missing. The data set for supervised phase would include both the raw data and the desired outputs and the network. From the point of view of the method presented here, there is no need to make a clear distinction between unsupervised and supervised learning phases as any data vectors can have any combination of missing values. The network will model the joint distribution of all the observations and it is not necessary to specify which of the variables will be the classifications and which are the raw data.