Early DSRFS-related technical reports

The early technical-report-type publications (at least historically) related to distributed stepwise refinement of finite sequences (DSFRS) are listed in chronological order here. Accordingly, the more application-oriented work precedes the more theory-oriented.

Application-oriented work

An experimental prototype of a proposed tool concept for machine-level programming was described in the following two reports:

In the tetrasystem terminology, the prototype uses frame ⟨σI, σI, σE, σE⟩. It is implicitly assumed that the refinement rule base is sufficiently constrained so that tetrasystem soundness is achieved. However, the semantics-preservation problem is not explicitly mentioned at all.

The prototype was also presented in a peer-reviewed conference: see the article in Proceedings of the 22nd Euromicro Conference (1996) in my publication list.

Theory-oriented work

The following two early theoretically oriented contributions are now somewhat outdated.


Belt-selectors were originally formulated in

However, this old definition differs from the present one by preventing proper descendant nodes of the argument node from being included in the belt selected. (That is, the selected belt always contained the argument node itself.)

Formal devices for DSRFS

Two early DSRFS-oriented formal devices were then presented in

In particular, the concept of a trisystem (whose definition is moreover cumbersome) has now proven to be obsolete. Furthermore, some terminology in the report is outdated: for instance, "normalness" has replaced the old "idealness". (Some errors have also been found in the report. Part 2 of the conjectured theorem H.31 is false. In addition, the first sentence of the second paragraph of section A.1.2 is best dropped out.)