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In this paper, we have introduced standardised nodes (blocks) for constructing generative latent variable models. These nodes include a Gaussian node, addition, multiplication, a nonlinearity following directly a Gaussian node, and a delay node. The nodes have been designed so that they fit together, allowing construction of many types of latent variable models, including both known and novel structures. Constructing new prototype models is rapid since the user does not need to take care of the learning formulas. The nodes have been implemented in an open source software package called the Bayes Blocks BayesBlocks.

The models built from these blocks are taught using variational Bayesian (ensemble) learning. This learning method essentially uses as its cost function the Kullback-Leibler information between the true posterior density and its approximation. The cost function is used for updating the unknown variables in the model, but it also allows optimisation of the number of nodes in the chosen model type. By using a factorial posterior density approximation, all the required computations can be carried out locally by propagating means, variances, and expected exponentials instead of full distributions. In this way, one can achieve a linear computational complexity with respect to the number of connections in the chosen model. However, initialisation to avoid premature pruning of nodes and local minima require special attention in each application for achieving good results.

In this paper, we have tested the introduced method experimentally in three separate unsupervised learning problems with different types of models. The results demonstrate the good performance and usefulness of the method. First, hierarchical nonlinear factor analysis (HNFA) with variance modelling was applied to an extension of the bars problem. The presented algorithm could find a model that is essentially the same as the complicated way in which the data were generated. Secondly, HNFA was used to reconstruct missing values in speech spectra. The results were consistently better than with linear factor analysis, and were generally best in cases requiring accurate representation in high dimensionality. The third experiment was carried out using real-world video image data. We compared the linear dynamical model for the means and for the variances of the sources. The results demonstrate that finding strong dependencies between different sources was considerably easier when the variances were modelled, too.

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Tapani Raiko 2006-08-28