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Pekka Orponen


Surface mail
Aalto University School of Science
Department of Computer Science
P.O. Box 15400, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland
Visiting address
Konemiehentie 2, Espoo/Otaniemi, Room B331
+358 500 819491
Office hours
By appointment
Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

Research Group

Natural Computation


Algorithmic Designs for Biomolecular Nanostructures (Academy of Finland, 2017-2021)

FiDiPro Erik Aurell - Statistical Physics, Distributed Systems, and Computational Biology (Academy of Finland, 2009-2013)

Modern Algorithmics and Its Interdisciplinary Applications (Academy of Finland, 2011)

OLP: Online Optimisation and Production Planning (Academy of Finland, 2009-2011)

Algorithmics for Data Security: Anomaly Detection and Call Graph Analysis (Tekes - National Technology Agency of Finland, 2009-2011)


A somewhat pruned list of my publications can be found here.


CS-C2160 Theory of Computation (formerly CS-C2150, T-79.1001/1002, T-79.148) (Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2006, Autumn 2005, Autumn 2004, Spring 2003, Autumn 2002, Spring 2002)

NBE-E4150 DNA Nanotechnology (Autumn 2023, Autumn 2022, Autumn 2021, Autumn 2020, Autumn 2019, Autumn 2018, jointly with Anton Kuzyk)

CS-E4530 (formerly T-79.5103) Computational Complexity Theory (Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2016, Spring 2015, Spring 2014)

CS-E3190 (formerly T-79.4202) Principles of Algorithmic Techniques (Autumn 2017, Autumn 2015, Autumn 2014, Autumn 2013, Autumn 2012, Autumn 2011, Autumn 2010)

T-79.5207 Advanced Course on Algorithms (Spring 2013, jointly with Petteri Kaski)

T-79.5206 (formerly T-79.5204, T-79.250) Combinatorial Models and Stochastic Algorithms (Spring 2012, Spring 2009, Spring 2007, Spring 2005, Spring 2003)

T-79.5203 Graph Theory (Spring 2010, jointly with Harri Haanpää)

T-79.7001 (formerly T-79.300) Postgraduate Course in Theoretical Computer Science (Autumn 2009 topic "Computational Aspects of DNA Self-Assembly", Spring 2008 topic "Approximation Algorithms", Spring 2006 topic "Spectral Graph Theory", Autumn 2003 topic "Stochastic Algorithms", Spring 2002 topic "Fitness Landscapes")

T-79.5201 (formerly T-79.149) Discrete Structures (topic "Probabilistic Combinatorics" in Spring 2009, Autumn 2007, topic "Generating Functions" in Autumn 2008, Autumn 2006, Autumn 2004, Autumn 2001)

T-79.4201 Search Problems and Algorithms (Autumn 2008, Autumn 2007, Autumn 2006, Spring 2006, jointly with Ilkka Niemelä)

T-79.4001 (formerly T-79.192/T-79.194) Seminar on Theoretical Computer Science ( Spring 2007 topic "Distributed Computation", Spring 2005 topic "Algorithmics of Sensor Networks", Autumn 2002 topic "Distributed Algorithmics")

T-0.050 Introduction to Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science (Spring 2003)

Kombinatoriikka (JY kl 2001)

Johdatus diskreettiin matematiikkaan/Introduction to Discrete Mathematics (JY sl 2000, sl 1999)

Tietojenkäsittelyteoria (JY kl 2000)

Algoritmien teoria (JY kl 1999)

Algoritmiteorian jatkokurssi (JY kl 1999)

Tietotekniikan perusteet (JY sl 1998)

Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit 2/Data Structures and Algorithms 2 (JY sl 1998)