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[Kurimo92a] Mikko Kurimo. Combinations of adaptive vector quantization methods and hidden Markov models in speech recognition. Master's thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, February 1992. (in Finnish). Abstract Entire thesis (281 kB)
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[Kurimo94a] Mikko Kurimo. Application of Learning Vector Quantization and Self-Organizing Maps for training continuous density and semi-continuous Markov models. Licentiate's thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, February 1994. Abstract Entire thesis (316 kB)
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[Kurimo94c] Mikko Kurimo. Hybrid training method for tied mixture density hidden Markov models using Learning Vector Quantization and Viterbi estimation. In John Vlontzos, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Elizabeth Wilson, editors, Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, NNSP'94, pages 362-371, Ermioni, Greece, 1994. Abstract Entire paper (46 kB)