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Learning Scheme

The learning scheme for all the experiments was the same. First, linear PCA is used to find sensible initial values for the posterior means of the sources. The method was chosen because it has given good results in initialising the model vectors of a self-organising map (SOM). The posterior variances of the sources are initialised to small values. Good initial values are important for the method since the network can effectively prune away unused parts as will be seen in the experiments later on. Initially the weights of the network have random values and the network has quite bad representation for the data. If the sources were adapted from random values also, the network would consider many of the sources useless for the representation and prune them away. This would lead to a local minimum from which the network would not recover.

Therefore the sources are fixed at the values given by linear PCA for the first 50 iterations through the whole data. This is long enough for the network to find a meaningful mapping from sources to the observations, thereby justifying using the sources for the representation. For the same reason, the parameters controlling the distributions of the sources, weights, noise and the hyperparameters are not adapted during the first 100 iterations. They are adapted only after the network has found sensible values for the variables whose distributions these parameters control.

In all simulations, the total number of iterations is 7500, where one iteration means going through all the observations. For nonlinear independent factor analysis simulations, a nonlinear subspace is estimated with 2000 iterations by the nonlinear factor analysis after which the sources are rotated with a linear ICA algorithm. In these experiments, FastICA was used [4]. The rotation of the sources is compensated by an inverse rotation to the first layer weight matrix A. The nonlinear independent factor analysis algorithm is then applied for the remaining 5500 iterations.

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Harri Lappalainen