Mesquita, D. Blomstedt, P. and Kaski, S. (2019). Embarrassingly parallel MCMC using deep invertible transformations. Accepted to UAI 2019. [Preprint]
Qin, X., Blomstedt, P. and Kaski, S. (2019). Scalable Bayesian non-linear matrix completion. Accepted to IJCAI 2019.
Blomstedt, P., Mesquita, D., Lintusaari, J., Sivula, T., Corander, J. and Kaski, S. (2019). Meta-analysis of Bayesian analyses. arXiv:1904.0448#[stat.ME]. [Preprint]
Lintusaari, J., Blomstedt, P., Sivula, T., Gutmann, M. U. , Kaski, S. and Corander, J. (2019). Resolving outbreak dynamics using Approximate Bayesian Computation for stochastic birth-death models [version 1; referees: 1 approved with reservations]. Wellcome Open Research, 4(14). [Link] [Code]
Qin, X., Blomstedt, P., Leppäaho, E., Parviainen, P. and Kaski, S. (2019). Distributed Bayesian Matrix Factorization with Limited Communication. To appear in Machine Learning. [Link] [Code]
Vehtari, A., Gelman, A., Sivula, T., Jylänki, P., Tran, D., Sahai, S., Blomstedt, P., Cunningham, J. P., Schiminovich, D. and Robert, C. (2018). Expectation propagation as a way of life: A framework for Bayesian inference on partitioned data. arXiv:1412.4869#[stat.CO]. [Preprint] [Code]
Dutta, R., Blomstedt, P. and Kaski, S. (2016). Bayesian inference in hierarchical models by combining independent posteriors. Technical report. [Preprint]
Blomstedt, P., Dutta, R., Seth, S., Brazma, A. and Kaski, S. (2016). Modelling-based experiment retrieval: A case study with gene expression clustering. Bioinformatics, 32(9), 1388–1394. [Link] [Code]
Mäntyniemi, S., Whitlock, R., Perälä, T., Blomstedt, P., Vanhatalo, J., Rincón, M.M., Kuparinen, A. Pulkkinen, H. and Kuikka, S. (2015). General state-space population dynamics model for Bayesian stock assessment. ICES Journal of Marince Science, 72(8), 2209–2222. [Link]
Blomstedt, P., Tang, J., Granlund, C. and Corander, J. (2015). A Bayesian predictive model for clustering data of mixed discrete and continuous type. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine intelligence, 37(3), 489–498. [Link] [Code]
Blomstedt, P. and Corander, J. (2015). Posterior predictive comparisons for the two-sample problem. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 44(2), 376–389. [Link]
Blomstedt, P., Vanhatalo, J., Ulmestrand, M., Gårdmark, A., and Mäntyniemi, S. (2014). A Bayesian length-based population dynamics model for northern shrimp (Pandalus Borealis). Public Deliverable D4.18, the ECOKNOWS project (FP7/2007-2013 grant no. 244706). arXiv:1509.08774#[stat.AP]. [Preprint] [Code]
Blomstedt, P., Gauriot, R., Viitala, N., Reinikainen, T., and Corander, J. (2014). Bayesian predictive modeling and comparison of oil samples. Journal of Chemometrics, 28(1), 51–59. [Link]
Prokopenko, I., Poon, W., Mägi, R. et al. (2014). A Central Role for GRB10 in Regulation of Islet Function in Man. PLoS Genetics, 10(4), e1004235. [Link]
Blomstedt, P. (2013). On Bayesian predictive modeling: With applications on the analysis of chromatography data in forensic investigations. PhD thesis, Department of Mathematics, Åbo Akademi University.
Sandboge, S., Perälä, M-M., Salonen, M.K., Blomstedt, P.A., Osmond, C., Kajantie, E., Barker, D.J.P., and Eriksson, J.G. (2013). Early growth and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in adulthood – the NAFLD liver fat score and equation applied on the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study. Annals of Medicine, 45(5–6), 430–437.
Tiainen, A-M., Männistö, S., Lahti, M., Blomstedt, P.A., Lahti, J., Perälä M-M., Räikkönen, K., Kajantie, E. and Eriksson, J.G. (2013). Personality and Dietary Intake – Findings in the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study. PLoS ONE, 8(7), e68284.
Sandboge, S., Moltchanova, E., Blomstedt, P.A., Salonen, M.K., Kajantie, E., Osmond, C., Barker, D.J. and Eriksson, J.G. (2012). Birth-weight and resting metabolic rate in adulthood – sex-specific differences. Annals of Medicine, 44(3), 296–303.
Tiainen, A-M., Männistö, S., Blomstedt, P.A., Moltchanova, E., Perälä, M-M., Kaartinen, N.E., Kajantie, E., Kananen, L., Hovatta, I. and Eriksson, J.G. (2012). Leukocyte telomere length and its relation to food and nutrient intake in an elderly population. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 66(12), 1290–1294.
Airaksinen, R., Rantakokko, P., Eriksson, J.G., Blomstedt, P., Kajantie, E. and Kiviranta, H. (2011). Association between type 2 diabetes and exposure to persistent organic pollutants. Diabetes Care, 34(9), 1972–1979.
Schreier, N.K., Moltchanova, E.V., Blomstedt, P.A., Kajantie, E. and Eriksson, J.G. (2011). Prenatal exposure to wartime stress – long-term effect on coronary heart disease in later life. Annals of Medicine, 43(7), 555–561.
Moroni, R., Blomstedt, P., Wilhelm, L., Reinikainen, T., Sippola, E. and Corander, J. (2010). Statistical modelling of measurement errors in gas chromatographic analyses of blood alcohol content. Forensic Science International, 202, 71–74.
Lammi, N., Blomstedt, P., Eriksson, J., Karvonen, M. and Moltchanova, E. (2009). Lasten ja nuorten aikuisten diabeteksen alueellinen ilmaantuvuus Suomessa. Lääkärilehti, 64(34), 2655–2660.
Lammi, N., Blomstedt, P.A., Moltchanova, E., Eriksson, J.G., Tuomilehto, J. and Karvonen, M. (2009). Perinatal risk factors in young adult onset type 1 and type 2 diabetes – a population-based case-control study. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 88(4), 468–474.
Lammi, N., Moltchanova, E., Blomstedt, P.A., Tuomilehto, J., Eriksson, J.G., Karvonen, M. (2009). Childhood BMI trajectories and the risk of developing young adult-onset diabetes. Diabetologia, 52(3), 408–414.
Lammi, N., Blomstedt, P., Moltchanova, E., Eriksson, J.G., Tuomilehto, J. and Karvonen, M. (2008). Marked temporal increase in the incidence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes among young adults in Finland. Diabetologia, 51(5), 897–899.
Lammi, N., Moltchanova, E., Blomstedt, P., Eriksson, J.G., Taskinen, O., Sarti, C., Tuomilehto, J. and Karvonen, M. (2007). The effect of birth order and parental age on the risk of type 1 and 2 diabetes among young adults. Diabetologia, 50(12), 2433–2438.
Blomstedt, P. (2007). Bayesläiset menetelmät diskriminatiivisessa ja generatiivisessa luokittelussa. Master's thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki.