The EM algorithm was originally presented by Dempster et al. in 1977 [13]. They presented it as a method of doing maximum likelihood estimation for incomplete data. Their work formalised and generalised several old ideas. For example Baum et al. [3] used very similar methods with hidden Markov models several years earlier.
The term ``incomplete data'' refers to a case where the complete data
consists of two parts, only one of which is observed. Missing part
can only be inferred based on how it affects the observed part. A
typical example would be the generative model in
Section 3.1.1, where the
are the
observed data
and the sources
are the missing data
The same algorithm can be easily interpreted in the Bayesian
framework. Let us assume that we are trying to estimate the posterior
for some model parameters
. In such a
case, the Bayesian version gives a point estimate for posterior
maximum of
The algorithm starts at some initial estimate
. The
estimate is improved iteratively by first computing the conditional
probability distribution
of the
missing data given the current estimate of the parameters. After
this, a new estimate
for the parameters is
computed by maximising the expectation of
over the previously calculated
. The
first step is called the expectation step (E-step) and the latter is
called maximisation step (M-step) [16,57].
An important feature in the EM algorithm is that it gives the complete probability distribution for the missing data and uses point estimates only for the model parameters. It should therefore give better results than simple MAP estimation.
Neal and Hinton showed in [45] that the EM algorithm can be interpreted as minimisation of the cost function given by