Assume we are analysing the scalar time series
Using the time-delay embedding with delay
transforms the series
to vectors of the form
Prediction in these coordinates corresponds to predicting the next
from the
previous ones, as all the other
components of
are directly available in
Thus the problem reduces to finding a predictor of the form
Using a simple linear function for leads to a linear
auto-regressive (AR) model [20]. There are also
several generalisations of the same model leading to other algorithms
for the same purpose.
Farmer and Sidorowich [14] propose a locally linear predictor in which there are several linear predictors for different areas of the embedded state-space. The achieved performance is comparable with the global linear predictor for small embedding dimensionalities but as the embedding dimension grows, the local method clearly outperforms the global one. The problem with the locally linear predictor is that it is not continuous.
Casdagli [8] presents a review of several different predictors including a globally linear predictor, a locally linear predictor and a global nonlinear predictor using a radial basis function (RBF) network [21] as the nonlinearity. According to his results, the nonlinear methods are best for small data sets whereas the locally linear method of Farmer and Sidorowich gives the best results for large data sets.
For noisy data, the choice of coordinates can make a big difference on the success of the prediction algorithm. The embedding approach is by no means the only possible alternative, and as Casdagli et al. note in [9], there are often clearly better alternatives. There are many approaches in the field of neural computation where the choice is left to the algorithm. This corresponds to trying to blindly invert Equation (2.7). Such models are called (nonlinear) state-space models and they are studied in detail in Section 4.2.