FiCLA - Suomen kognitiivisen kielentutkimuksen yhdistys



Cognitive Linguistics East of Eden - conference program
(updated 5th September)

(available in pdf: the abstracts and the complete program with russian titles)

--> Friday the 13th

9.00 Registration

9.50 Opening

10.00 PLENUM I: Laura A. Janda: “An Implicational Model for Slavic Aspect”

11.30 Lunch break

13.00     Papers 3x4

Section 1
Pia Päiviö: “Asti and saakka – A Means to Express Temporal and Spatial Duration in Finnish”
Alina Israeli: “The Expression of Temporal still in Russian”
Barbara Bacz: “A Semantic Analysis of the Polish preposition za”
Tore Nesset: “Allomorphy in the Usage-Based Model: The Russian Past Passive Participle”

Section 2
Olga Iriskhanova: “Russian Nominalizations: Some Constraints on Conceptual Integration”
Elena Bratishenko: “Formation of Denotative Adjectives in Old East Slavic”
Vera Zabotkina: “Cognitive Aspects of Semantic Changes in English”

Section 3
Krista Ojutkangas: “Up, Down, Front and Back – Or Why One Direction Is Not Enough”
Katherine Hrisopulo: “The Cognitive Roots of Representing Emotions in the System of English Tense-Aspect Forms”
Doris Payne: “Color Terms as Expressions of Personality and Moral Evaluation”
Nikolay Nikolayevich Boldyrev: “Evaluate Categorization”

15.00     Coffee

15.30     Papers 3x3

Section 4
Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm & Ekaterina Rahilina: “Why Is Russian Verb lezt So Difficult to Translate in Swedish”
E. S. Kubriakova

Section 5
Tero Kainlauri: “The Causative Use of the Ablative Case in Modern Finnish”
Gaetanelle Gilquin: “Towards a Definition of Prototypical Causative Constructions in English”
Ron Chen: “Constituent Cohesion, Form Spatialization, and English Inversion”

Section 6
Markus A. Pöchtrager: “Finnish Consonant Gradation: A Government Phonology Analysis”
Jean-Rémi Lapaire: “The Meaning Of Mindless, Meaningless Morphs”
Valentina Zaitseva: “Privacy Bubble: Metaphors We Judge by”

17.00 – 18.30 PLENUM II: Helena Leheckova: "Slavonic versus Finno-Ugric languages: On missing categories in grammar and cognition"

18.30             Get-together at the Fennicum building


--> Saturday the 14th

9.00 PLENUM III: Ekaterina Rakhilina: “Lexical Combinability As a Tool for Cognitive Analysis of Natural Language

10.30      Papers 3x3

Section 7
Marja Leinonen: “The Mental Map of the Perfect in Komi Zyryan”
Guy Achard-Bayle: “Blend of Sorts, Sorts of Blend. Continuity and Diversity in Constructing Identities and Constituting Referential Chains”

Section 8
Agata Kochanska: “’Mental Stance’ Uses of the Polish Past Imperfective. A Cognitive Grammar Account”
Elzbieta Tabakowska: “Those Notorious Polish Reflexive Pronouns: A Plea for Middle Voice
Anne Keown: “Space, Size, and you: Motivations for Polish Pronouns of Address

Section 9
Ewa Dabrowska: “Networks, Paradigms and the Dative Conspiracy”
Ekaterina Trouchtchenkova: “Connotative Semantics of English First Names”

12.00      Lunch break

13.30     Papers 3x3

Section 10
Sabine Stoll: “Linguistic and Cognitive Development: Beyond Simple Correlations
Jurate Vaicenoniene: “A Cognitive Linguistics Approach to Vague Language: A Study of Educational Discourse”
Erling Wande: “Cognitive Aspects of Semilingualism and Metaphor”

Section 11
David S. Danaher: “The Discourse Function of Iterative Verbs in Czech”
Martina Björklund: “On the Russian Passive”

Section 12
I. V. Shatunovsky: “The Imperfective General-Factual (in Russian), Thoght And Reality”
Elena Shmeleva & Aleksey Shmelev: “Russian ‘Folk Biology’”
Alexandre Nikolaev: “The morphological experiments on the productivity of declension types in Finnish language.”

15.00     Coffee

15.30 – 17.00      Papers 3x3

Section 13
I. M. Kobozeva: “Russian National Stereotypes Viewed from Different Perspectives”
Jerzy Bartmiñski, Irina Lappo & Urszula Majer-Baranovska: “Profiling of the Stereotype of a Russian in Contemporary Polish”
Tatiana Chernigovskaya & Kira Gor: “Mental Lexicon Structure in L1 and L2 Acquisition: Russian Evidence”

Section 14
Svitlana Zhabotynska: “Genitive Constrctions: Geometry of Senses”
Maarten Lemmens: “Aspectual Posture Verb Constructions”
Hiroyuki Takagi: “Control and Categorization of Constructions”

Section 15
E. V. Paducheva
E. V. Petroukhina: “Semantic Dominants of Event Imagery in the Russian Language World View in Comparison with Czech One”
G. A. Rubinstein: “On Russian Sound Names”

19.00      Conference Dinner

--> Sunday the 15th

9.00 PLENUM IV: Marja-Liisa Helasvuo: “The Finnish passive in a Crosslinguistic Perspective: A Usage-Based Account”

10.30     Papers 3x3

Section 16
Dagmar Divjak: “A Unifying Account of the Conceptual Categories That Underline Actions. With Evidence from Russian”
Anetta Kopecka: “The Sematics of Accusative and Locative Case Markers in the Expression of Goal-Oriented Motion in Polish”
Hanne M. Eckhoff & Sturla Berg-Olsen: “A Reference Point Analysis of Latvian and Old Russian Nominal Possessive Constructions”

Section 17
M. M. Jocelyne Fernandez-Vest: “Cognitive Context and Typological Change: Northern Sami from the Oral to the Written Form”
Vladimir Shabes: “On Interactive Web Dictionary”
Kaja Kährik: “ The Meaning of Estonian Adverbial Particles alla And maha in Spatial And Metaphorical Particle-Verb Constructions”

Section 18
Johanna Ryhänen: “On Metaphors of Time in Russian and Finnish Languages”
Olya Gurevich: “Bulgakov’s Master and Margarita: Why Can’t Critics Agree on What It Means?”
Morten Abildsnes: “On the Semantics of the So-Called Empty Prefix na- in Bulgarian and Russian”

12.00 – 12.10 Closing