
GoCam is a project for developing an automatic go game recorder that follows the game with a video camera and uses computer vision techniques to extract the moves from the video.

The prototype system was developed and implemented using MATLAB, a language for technical computing. The MATLAB source code for GoCam is available for download without restrictions. Writing gocam-0.1 was a part of my PhD studies in the Laboratory of Information and Computer Science at Helsinki University of Technology. The report is available in PostScript and PDF formats: gocam.ps.gz (4.1M), gocam.pdf (504K).

The project continues and has moved here.


Teemu Hirsimäki
Email: teemu.hirsimaki at iki.fi
Home: http://iki.fi/thirsima/

Last modified: Sat Feb 26 23:15:07 EET 2005