Mikko Kurimo, Sami Virpioja, Ville Turunen, and Krista Lagus. Morpho challenge 2005-2010: Evaluations and results. In Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology, pages 87–95, Uppsala, Sweden, July 2010. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Suggested BibTeX entry:
address = {Uppsala, Sweden},
author = {Mikko Kurimo and Sami Virpioja and Ville Turunen and Krista Lagus},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology},
month = {July},
pages = {87--95},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
title = {Morpho Challenge 2005-2010: Evaluations and Results},
year = {2010},