Mika Göös · Juho Hirvonen · Reut Levi · Moti Medina · Jukka Suomela

Non-local probes do not help with many graph problems

DISC 2016 · 30th International Symposium on Distributed Computing, Paris, France, September 2016 · doi:10.1007/978-3-662-53426-7_15

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This work bridges the gap between distributed and centralised models of computing in the context of sublinear-time graph algorithms. A priori, typical centralised models of computing (e.g., parallel decision trees or centralised local algorithms) seem to be much more powerful than distributed message-passing algorithms: centralised algorithms can directly probe any part of the input, while in distributed algorithms nodes can only communicate with their immediate neighbours. We show that for a large class of graph problems, this extra freedom does not help centralised algorithms at all: efficient stateless deterministic centralised local algorithms can be simulated with efficient distributed message-passing algorithms. In particular, this enables us to transfer existing lower bound results from distributed algorithms to centralised local algorithms.


Cyril Gavoille and David Ilcinkas (Eds.): Distributed Computing, 30th International Symposium, DISC 2016, Paris, France, September 27-29, 2016, Proceedings, volume 9888 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, 2016

ISBN 978-3-662-53425-0


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