André Schumacher
D.Sc. (Tech.), Researcher
- Office:
Room T-B355 in Computer Science Building,
Konemiehentie 2, Otaniemi campus area, Espoo
- Postal Address:
Aalto University School of Science,
Department of Information and Computer Science,
P.O. Box 15400, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland
I am currently visiting the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, CA. For the local webpages see here.
- Email:
- schumach "ät"
- Research Interests:
- Distributed algorithms, approximation and online algorithms,
network optimization, adhoc and sensor networks; more recently
also parallel computing with applications to bioinformatics
(MapReduce based) and their implementation on top of Hadoop
- Teaching:
- T-79.4101 Discrete Models and Search, spring 2012
- T-79.4201 Search Problems and Algorithms, autumn 2009