AtariGo (v1.5, 38 kb) is a public domain game
for PalmOS (1.0 and above).
Monochrome to 8-bit colours. No warranty. Play against your Palm!
Warnings: Please remove an older version before updating. Highest level might
think quite long.
Some particular hacks seem to make menu shortcuts nonfunctional.
AtariGo is also known as the capture game -variant of the ancient oriental game of Go.
Do you know Go? |
Yes |
The one who makes the first capture wins. The game starts on a 10 by 10 board with a crosscut in the middle. No passing. |
No |
Try it as a soft introduction to Go or as a nice boardgame as itself. You can check the rules below. |
The beginning of a game. |
An example game. |
The players alternately place stones of their own colour to empty points on the board. Black is first. Once a stone is on the board, it is never moved or removed. The first player to surround some opponent stones wins. The surrounding is clarified below. |
Stones of the same colour that touch each other form
strings. Top left corner shows two black strings; one with three
stones and the other with just one. |
If black plays to the blue point, he makes a suicide and loses
the game. On the other hand, if he first plays to the red point
and later to the blue point, he wins. (even with his own stone surrounded!) |
Use the pointer to play. After the game has ended, you can start a new game
by touching the board anywhere. Select players by using the menu.
Version |
Release date |
Comments |
Mar 12, 2003 |
Small fixes |
Jun 6, 2002 |
Returned to v1.2 with the speedup. |
May 29, 2002 |
Speedup in AI, visualisation of thinking. Unstable for unknown reason. (My debugger does not work and the error message blames blitter.c which I have no clue about) |
May 24, 2002 |
Added levels 3 and 4, minor change in menu. |
May 5, 2002 |
Colour version added, bugfix in AI. |
Apr 26, 2002 |
First release, monochrome, two playing levels. |
Send comments to: Tapani.Raiko(a)
The homepage (in
Finnish) and the
workpage (in English) of the author
AtariGo (this page)
Go81 for Palm
Game of Lives for Palm
Selected freeware for
AtariGo at Freewarepalm
British Go Association
Software Catalogue
Moyo Go Studio for analysing games on
Wasp Games Pocket PC games by Osmo Suvisaari