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Pekka Orponen


Surface mail
Aalto University School of Science
Department of Computer Science
P.O. Box 15400, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland
Visiting address
Konemiehentie 2, Espoo/Otaniemi, Room B331
+358 500 819491
Office hours
By appointment
Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

Research Group

Natural Computation


Algorithmic Designs for Biomolecular Nanostructures (Academy of Finland, 2017-2021)

FiDiPro Erik Aurell - Statistical Physics, Distributed Systems, and Computational Biology (Academy of Finland, 2009-2013)

Modern Algorithmics and Its Interdisciplinary Applications (Academy of Finland, 2011)

OLP: Online Optimisation and Production Planning (Academy of Finland, 2009-2011)

Algorithmics for Data Security: Anomaly Detection and Call Graph Analysis (Tekes - National Technology Agency of Finland, 2009-2011)


A somewhat pruned list of my publications can be found here.


CS-C2161 Laskennan teoria (Finnish version of CS-C2160): Spring 2025

CS-C2160 Theory of Computation (formerly CS-C2150, T-79.1001/1002, T-79.148): Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2006, Autumn 2005, Autumn 2004, Spring 2003, Autumn 2002, Spring 2002

NBE-E4150 DNA Nanotechnology (jointly with Anton Kuzyk): Autumn 2024, Autumn 2023, Autumn 2022, Autumn 2021, Autumn 2020, Autumn 2019, Autumn 2018

CS-E4530 Computational Complexity Theory (formerly T-79.5103): Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2016, Spring 2015, Spring 2014

CS-E3190 Principles of Algorithmic Techniques (formerly T-79.4202): Autumn 2017, Autumn 2015, Autumn 2014, Autumn 2013, Autumn 2012, Autumn 2011, Autumn 2010

T-79.5207 Advanced Course on Algorithms (jointly with Petteri Kaski): Spring 2013

T-79.5206 Combinatorial Models and Stochastic Algorithms (formerly T-79.5204, T-79.250): Spring 2012, Spring 2009, Spring 2007, Spring 2005, Spring 2003

T-79.5203 Graph Theory (jointly with Harri Haanpää: Spring 2010,

T-79.7001 Postgraduate Course in Theoretical Computer Science (formerly T-79.300): Autumn 2009 topic "Computational Aspects of DNA Self-Assembly", Spring 2008 topic "Approximation Algorithms", Spring 2006 topic "Spectral Graph Theory", Autumn 2003 topic "Stochastic Algorithms", Spring 2002 topic "Fitness Landscapes"

T-79.5201 Discrete Structures (formerly T-79.149): topic "Probabilistic Combinatorics" in Spring 2009, Autumn 2007, topic "Generating Functions" in Autumn 2008, Autumn 2006, Autumn 2004, Autumn 2001

T-79.4201 Search Problems and Algorithms (jointly with Ilkka Niemelä): Autumn 2008, Autumn 2007, Autumn 2006, Spring 2006,

T-79.4001 Seminar on Theoretical Computer Science (formerly T-79.192/T-79.194): Spring 2007 topic "Distributed Computation", Spring 2005 topic "Algorithmics of Sensor Networks", Autumn 2002 topic "Distributed Algorithmics"

T-0.050 Introduction to Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science: Spring 2003

Kombinatoriikka: JY kl 2001

Johdatus diskreettiin matematiikkaan/Introduction to Discrete Mathematics: JY sl 2000, sl 1999

Tietojenkäsittelyteoria: JY kl 2000

Algoritmien teoria: JY kl 1999

Algoritmiteorian jatkokurssi: JY kl 1999

Tietotekniikan perusteet: JY sl 1998

Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit 2/Data Structures and Algorithms 2: JY sl 1998