Workpage of Matti Tornio
Contact information
Aalto University School of Science and Technology
Department of Information and Computer Science
P.O. Box 15400 (Konemiehentie 2)
FI-00076 AALTO, Finland
I am a researcher in the Bayes group.
M. Tornio
Natural Gradient for Variational Bayesian Learning
Master's thesis, Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Espoo, 2010.
Journal articles
A. Honkela, T. Raiko, M. Kuusela,
M. Tornio, and J. Karhunen.
Approximate Riemannian conjugate gradient learning for fixed-form variational Bayes.
Journal of Machine Learning Research 11, pages 3235-3268, November 2010.
T. Raiko and M. Tornio.
Variational Bayesian learning of nonlinear hidden state-space models for
model predictive control.
In Neurocomputing, volume 72, issues 16-18, pages 3704-3712, October 2009.
Conference papers
A. Honkela, M. Tornio, T. Raiko, and J. Karhunen.
Natural Conjugate Gradient in Variational Inference.
In the proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2007), pages
305-314, Kitakyushu, Japan,
November 13-16, 2007.
M. Tornio, A. Honkela and.
J. Karhunen
Time Series Prediction with Variational Bayesian Nonlinear State-Space Models.
In the proceedings of the European Symposium on Time Series Prediction, ESTSP'07, pp. 11-18, Espoo, Finland, February 7-9, 2007.
M. Tornio and T. Raiko.
Variational Bayesian Approach for Nonlinear Identification and
In the proceedings of the 1st IFAC Workshop on
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Fast Systems, NMPC FS06,
pp. 41-46, Grenoble, France, October 9-11, 2006.
T. Raiko, M. Tornio,
Honkela, and J.
State Inference in Variational Bayesian Nonlinear State-Space Models.
In the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on
Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation, ICA 2006,
pp. 222-229, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, March 5-8, 2006.
T. Raiko and M. Tornio.
Learning Nonlinear State-Space Models for Control.
In the proceedings of the International Joint Conference on
Neural Networks, IJCNN 2005, pp. 815-820, Montreal, Canada, July 31-August 4,
Conference abstracts
A. Honkela, M. Tornio,
T. Raiko, and
J. Karhunen.
Natural Gradient for
Variational Bayesian Learning.
The Learning Workshop, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 19-22, 2007.
A. Honkela, M. Tornio,
and T. Raiko.
Variational Bayes for Continuous-Time
Nonlinear State-Space Models.
In NIPS*2006
Workshop on Dynamical Systems, Stochastic Processes and Bayesian
Inference, Whistler, B.C., Canada, December 9, 2006.
Technical reports
A. Honkela, M. Tornio,
T. Raiko, and
J. Karhunen.
Natural Conjugate Gradient in Variational Inference.
Publications in Computer and Information Science E10,
Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, 2007.
My personal homepage
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last updated Wednesday, 01-Jun-2011 15:09:49 EEST