Some remarks about this page
This page contains comments on some books that I have read, and that
have for some reason been special. There are other special books that
I haven't mentioned here, mainly because I read them long time ago.
If you find here an interesting book, but don't find it in a local
bookstore, try the Net bookstores:, or
Martial arts related stuff, Zen books etc
- Robert M. Pirsig: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
Maintenance Thoughts about quality. The must of quasi-zen
literature. Read also his Lila, which deals even more with
- Benjamin Hoff:The Tao of which The Way is
revealed by the Bear of Little Brain. I loved it. I keep
reading bits and pieces again and again. It's a book that is
wise in a simple way. This is definitely not Zen, but affects
via the same channels. I hear that also Nasu and Te
is good, although haven't read it yet.
- Eugen Herrigel: Zen in the art of Archery, in Finnish
Zen ja jousella ampumisen taito. A really nice introduction
on some of the eastern thinking and what it is like to start one of
the martial arts that requires the most concentration and patience,
- Eugen Herrigel: The Method of Zen
- Musashi: Five Rings (Go Rin No Sho). Old,
strange warrior stuff, but must read.
- Takuan Soho: The Unfettered Mind. Heavy, old stuff.
The rest on this list I have not read, but they have been
recommended by others:
- Forrest Morgan: Living The Martial Way.
- Eiji Yoshikawa: Musashi
- Reinhard Kammer: The Way of the Sword
- Dan Millman: Way of the Peaceful Warrior
- John Stevens (Shambhala, Boston, 1984): The Sword of
No-Sword. This is supposedly a good book about the state
of mind called "mushin (no mind)" or "munen muso (freedom from
all thoughts").
I used to read lots of scifi at some time, but nowadays less and more
selectively. This book has however made a big difference:
em>Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein.
Comments on some of my more recent readings:
- Ammonite (Nicola Griffith): A non-typical scifi book. One
difference is that practically all characters are women,
because for the most part the tale happens at a small planet
where a virus killed all the males and 20% of the females of a
colonist population some generations ago. But the women
thrived, nevertheless (also in making children...). Well
written prose, I recommend.
Cognitive science
As an introduction into the current dialogue among researchers in
cognitive science, read Speaking Minds, Interviews with
Twenty Eminent Cognitive Scientists .
Daniel Dennett's Consciousness Explained is definitely worth looking
into. He presents the current discussion about consciousness in a
thorough way, and you will notice that nothing is as simple as you
thought (as with all philosophical type of discussion). Warning for
the dualist: Dennett is not one, and this material may make you change
your views in a thorough fashion!
Gödel, Escher, Bach
A temptating book by Douglas R. Hofstadter for anyone interested in
broad connections e.g. between visual arts, music, math and mind
puzzles. Every second chapter is a piece of a "story", dialogue
between Achilles and Tortoise. The chapters in between address the
same questions in a more explicit way.
Gödel was a mathematician famous for Gödel's incompleteness theorem, a
disconcerting theorem that roughly says that no axiomatic system is
provable, i.e. that you cannot ever prove all the truths that are
expressible in that system. Hofstadter makes this sound much more
interesting, and ties it together with Escher's paintings of "strange
loops", Bach's strange experiments and musical "jokes" and other
seemingly as unrelated things.
Few and very miscellaneous other authors
- J.R.R. Tolkien
- Umberto Eco
- Roger Penrose: cognitive science, philosophical physics etc.
- Vigdis Grimsdottir
- Sandman (Neil Gaiman): A superhero comic by looks and structure,
but by content it is philosophical, mystical, strange and
somewhat "about life".
- Matt Groening: Humor about everyday life, love, work, hilarious
stuff about humans seen through animals
- Ralf König: "The killer condom", some gay stuff
Finnish books and authors (in Finnish)
Kirjoittaa kognitiivisesti tietoista proosaa. Maailman ja mielen
välinen yhteys ei enää näytäkään yksinkertaiselta. Häneltä on
muutamia tekstejä myös verkossa (koskien mm. tietoverkkoja), ja verkon
ulkopuolella on ilmestynyt ainakin Tribar, Tainaron,
Älä lue tätä kirjaa, Matemaattisia Olioita ja
En välttämättä jaa kaikkia hänen kognitiivisia mielipiteitään (vaikka
kyllä yllättävän monia), mutta tärkeämpää on näkökulma, pohdiskelu,
kyseenalaistaminen, ja vanhojen ajatusrakenteiden sekoittaminen
uudeksi järjestykseksi, vähän kuin kaleidoskoopissa.
Mika Waltari
Etenkin pitkät historialliset romaanit, ja niistä erityisesti Johannes
Angelos ja Nuori Johannes. Esikoisteos Suuri Illusioni on varmaan Waltarin
raivostuttavin kirja.
- Märta Tikkanen
- Tommy Tabermann
Krista Lagus <>
Last modified: Sun Sep 1 23:14:50 1996