
Krista Lagus

D. Sc (Tech), Researcher,
I work at the Department of Information and Computer Science of Aalto University and at National Consumer Research Centre.


Publications, Older list of publications with some more links, PhD Thesis

Most of my past research concerns the study of emergent representations for cognition and language, and natural language processing methods that build on these.

My current interest is more on researching wellbeing, that is, applying these methods for supporting individuals and societies towards wellness, meaning and happiness. An event that we organised related to this was Wellbeing Innovation Camp 29.8.-2.9.2011. There was also the Virtual Coach - Pathways of Wellbeing -research project funded by Tekes in 2011-2013.

Regaring wellbeing topics, we have studied social aspects such as loneliness and peer support. Also physical aspects measured by fitness measurements and work stress have beed examined.

Some other ongoing and past projects have their own pages:

Research groups

Past projects: WEBSOM - document maps of large text collections and USIX INTERACT - Interaction using natural language.


Autumn 2007:   T-61.6090 Emergence of early cognition, communication and language: from humans to machines
Spring 2005:   T-61.281 Statistical natural language processing
Fall 2004:   T-61.186 The Evolution of Language and Cognition: Modeling Perspectives
Spring 2004:   T-61.281 Statistical natural language processing
Fall 2003:   T-61.184 Statistical and Adaptive Approaches to Conceptual Modeling
Spring 2002:   T-61.281 Statistical natural language processing
Fall 2001:  T-61.184 Statistical (adaptive) language modeling
Spring 2000:    Tik-61.182 Information Retrieval and Statistical Natural Language Processing
Fall 1999: Tik-61.184 Self-Organizing Maps

Studying language technology in Finland

Societies in Finland

Contact information

Adaptive Informatics Research Centre (AIRC)
ICS Department
Aalto University, School of Science
P.O. Box 15400, FI-00076 Aalto, Espoo, Finland
Tel: +358-40-553 1704   Fax: +358-9-470 23277
Room A325

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