Recommended literature
The lecture notes are available in the library.
Most of the contents of the course is covered in the book
- Chaichian and Nelipa: Introduction to Gauge Field Theory
(84) [RLK]
The following books are recommended material for the course:
- Renton: Electroweak Interactions (90). A very useful reference
for practical issues and for learning the standard model of
electroweak interactions. Lacks the formal apsects. [L]
- Peskin and
An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (95)
A very good book to study the fundamentals of quantum field theory,
including the quantization by operator formalism.
errors) [RL]
- Weinberg: Quantum Field Theory I-II (96). New, big and
beautiful, theoretical. Appears excellent, but beware the inconventional
notation and metric. [RK]
- Björken and Drell: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics (64),
Relativistic Quantum Fields (65) Classical references. Still very
good, especially for Dirac equation and spinors [RL]
- Cheng and Li: Gauge theory fo Elementary Particle Physics
(82). A classical reference of the field theory. [R]
- Quigg: Gauge theory of the Strong, Weak and
Eletromagnetic Interactions (83).
A compact book and quite readable, presents the
standard model. Not much formal theory. [R]
- Aitchison and Hey: Gauge theories in Particle Physics (88).
A very practical book. [L]
- Bailin and Love: Introduction to Gauge Field Theory (86,
93 revised edition).
A very formal approach. Useful for learning path integrals. [RK]
Other books or references that may be more or less useful include:
- Particle Data Group: Review
of Particle Properties C. Caso et al, The European Physical
Journal C3 (1998) 1. Listing of all experimental data of elementary particles. [RK]
- Okun: Leptons and Quarks (80). Precise and practical, lots of
cross sections. [L]
- Huang: Quarks, Leptons and Gauge Fields (92) Formal book with
some nice apsects [RL]
- Faddeev and Slavnov: Gauge Fields (80). Very mathemathical, but
anyway useful for learning formalities. [L]
- Georgi: Weak interactions and modern particle theory (84).
A small nicely written book [?]
- Sterman: Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (92). Formal
and detailed, but still readable. Good to learn about actions and path
integrals, but not to learn the standard model. [R]
- Das: Field Theory: A Path Integral Approach Good to
learn path integrals [L]
- Ramond: Field Theory: A Modern Primer(88). Very formal and
rather unpractical, useful for learning action functionals. [L]
- Schweber: Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Field
Theory(61). Used to be a classical reference. [L]
- Itzykson and Zuber: Quantum Field Theory (78). A formal
book that contains almost everything. [R]
- Frampton: Gauge Field Theories. [L]
- De Wit and Smith: Field Theory in Particle Physics(86)
- Brown: Quantum Field Theory (Cambridge 92)
- Zinn-Justin:Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena (Oxford 93)
- Landau and Lifshits Quantum Electrodynamics Books of
this series are always good. Treats thoroughly the basics.
- Bailin: Weak Interactions (82). Another former classic.
- Grotz and Klapdor: Weak Interactions in Nuclear, Particle and
Astrophysics (90)[L]
- Abers and Lee: Physics Reports 9C, 17 (1973).
One of the first attempts for a
text on gauge field theory. Still a classic.
- Chang: Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (90). Includes also statistical aspects [L]
- Gross: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory
(93). Some like this very much [L]
- Guidry: Quantum Field Theory[L]
- Nash: Relativistic Quantum Fields (72) [L]
- Veltman: Diagrammatica (94). Especiality applications of
Feynman diagrams [L]
- Mohapatra and Lai: Gauge Theories of Fundamental Interactions (81) Collection of important original papers [L]
- Yndurain: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Introdution to
Field Theory (96). New![L]
- Scheck: Leptons, Hadrons and Nuclei (83) [L]
- Pilkuhn: Relativistic Particle Physics (80)[L]
- Nachtmann: Elementary Particle Physics (90)[L]
- Lee: Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory
- Ryder. Quantum Field Theory New version.
- Wenzel: Quantum Theory of Fields
(42). A historical reference [L]
- Halzen and Martin: Quarks and Leptons (83). Serves for a
preliminary reading and learning the fundamentals. [RLK]
- Perkins: Introduction to High Energy Physics (87). Preliminary
reading and experimental aspects [RL]
- Martin and Shaw: Particle Physics (92) Preliminary reading.
- Kane: Modern Elementary Particle Physics (95). A new one.
- Feynman and Hibbs: Path Integrals and Quantum Mechanics.
Introductory book about path integrals in non-relativistic quantum mechanics.
A classical reference. [RL]
Above L means that the book is available in the library (borrowable
or borrowed), R means it is in the reference library, and K that it is
in the private collection of the assistant.
There are lots of other new and old books in the market and in the
library, see e.g. keywords Field Theory, Gauge Fields etc. Also
special books on specific topics are available, including QED, QCD,
Weak interactions, neutrinos etc. More references are given during
the course.
If you find any book mentioned above or not useful of useless for
any part of the course, please share your information, and let me
know your opinion.
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© Kai Puolamäki