The following pieces of software are made available in the hope that they are useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the individual files for information on the copyright licenses and the lack of warranty, and on what the programs do.
The popsim program is a simple population simulator. Popsim simulates a population of single-chromosome diploid individuals that grows at a constant rate with a simple sibling-avoiding mating model, and outputs the final distribution of initial alleles at a given number of marker loci in the final population or in a sample thereof.
Used in: Salmela et al., Subpopulation difference scanning: a strategy for exclusion mapping of susceptibility genes. [Journal of Medical Genetics] finds dense itemsets, as described in the article Seppänen and Mannila, Dense Itemsets [ACM DL] [Citeseer] [pdf] and my doctoral dissertation. This is a C++ implementation of the levelwise algorithm. finds dense itemsets, like above. The difference is that this Python implementation also includes the two top-k algorithms, and may be more useful for experimentation, but the C++ implementation is probably much faster for the levelwise task.
This program finds geometric tile models, as described in the article Gionis, Mannila, and Seppänen, Geometric and combinatorial tiles in 0-1 data [Springer] [Citeseer] [pdf] and my doctoral dissertation.
Also included is reorder.m, a Matlab script for spectral sorting a matrix.