Dr. Ilkka Niemelä
Professor of Computer Science, Dept. of
Computer Science, School of Science, Aalto University
Currently serving as Provost of Aalto University
Contact info for the Provost position:
Postal Address: |
Aalto University
P.0.Box 17800, FI-00076 AALTO, Finland
Street address: |
Lämpömiehenkuja 2,
Aalto Otaniemi campus,
Email: |
provost aalto.fi |
Appointments: |
Contact Executive Assistant Pia Holmberg
pia.holmberg aalto.fi,
+ 358 40 542 1546 |
- lp2diff,
a translator mapping logic programs to SMT theories
implemented by Tomi Janhunen.
- Smodels, a
system for rule-based constraint programming based on logic
programs with the stable model semantics implemented in C++.
- GnT,
an implementation of disjunctive stable models on top of Smodels.
Note that this can compute also, e.g., minimal
models of sets of clauses.
- an implementation of a tableau method for Boolean circuit
satisfiability checking done by
Tommi Junttila.
Test case generation
for minimal model and other propositional
- An Eclipse Prolog
of a tableau-based method for
automating circumscriptive reasoning (TABLEAUX'96, ECAI'96).
Tutorials and short courses given
- Answer Set Programming.
An invited tutorial given at
the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2010),
August 16-20, Lisbon, Portugal.
(Slides [pdf]).
- The Implementation of Answer Set Solvers.
An invited tutorial given at
the 20th International Conference on Logic
Programming (ICLP'04), September 6-10, 2004, Saint-Malo, France
(Slides [ps.gz]).
- Answer-Set Programming: a Declarative Knowledge Representation
A tutorial given at
the 13th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information
(ESSLLI-2001), Helsinki, Finland, August 13-24, 2001 together with Mirek
- Practical Tools for Knowledge Representation and Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
A tutorial given at
the 17th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Austin, Texas, July 30-August 3, 2000 together with Mirek Truszczynski.
Stable Model Semantics: From Theory to Implementations and Applications.
An invited tutorial given at the
First International Conference on Computational Logic (CL2000),
Imperial College, London, UK, July 24-28, 2000
- Smodels: a System for Answer Set Programming,
Dresden University of Technology, Department of Computer Science,
Dresden, Germany, June 5--7,
2000. (Short course)
Default Logic: From Theory to Applications.
A course given at
the 11th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information
Utrecht University, Aug 16-20, 1999.
- Proof Systems for Nonmonotonic Logics.
A tutorial given at
the 12th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Nancy, France,
June 28-July 1, 1994 together with Camilla Schwind.
(Lecture Notes)
T-79.5103 Computational Complexity Theory.
This is an advanced course on computational complexity covering topics
such as NP-completeness, randomized algorithms, cryptography,
approximation algorithms, parallel algorithms, polynomial
hierarchy, PSPACE-completeness.
T-79.5104 Advanced Course in Computational Logic.
This is an advanced course on logic and its applications in computer
science and engineering. Subjects covered:
modal logics (syntax, semantics, proof theory and computational
properties) and Current applications in computer science and
T-79.4101 Discrete Models and Search
The course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts,
techniques and tools used in dealing with large, weakly structured
combinatorial search spaces. The topics covered include:
Search spaces and search methods. Backtracking, local and heuristic
search. Representing and solving search problems using
propositional satisfiability, constraint programming and integer
programming techniques.
T-79.4202 Principles of Algorithmic Techniques
Fundamental algorithm design paradigms: divide-and-conquer, greedy
algorithms, dynamic programming. Randomised algorithms.
Introduction to the analysis of algorithms and the theory of
T-79.7001 Postgraduate Course in Theoretical Computer Science,
Spring 2010
T-79.4001 Seminar on Theoretical Computer Science .
This is a seminar course covering current research topics in theoretical
computer science. The topic varies yearly.
T-79.298: Postgraduate Course in Digital Systems Science, 2001 .
Tik-79.144 Logic in Computer Science: Foundations,
Spring 1997.
This is an introductory course on logic and its applications in
computer science. Subjects covered are: propositional and predicate
logic, model theory, proof theory, semantic/analytic tableaux,
Tik-79.154 Logic in Computer Science: Special Topics II,
Autumn 1997.
This is an advanced course on logic and its applications in computer
science and engineering. Subjects covered in 1997 are:
advanced decision methods for propositional logic (Davis-Putnam, BDDs,
stochastic methods) and for rule-based reasoning.
Tik-79.230 Foundations of Agent-Based Computing,
Spring 1998.
This is a course on architectures, implementation technology and
applications of agent-based systems.
Conferences involved