Each variable in the model yields one multiplicative term in
. The terms can be expressed in the form
. The parents can be either computational nodes,
such as summation, addition or switch, or other variables. The
difficult part of the cost function is
which is taken over
. The logarithm splits the product of
simple terms into a sum. If each of the simple terms can be computed
in constant time, the overall computational complexity is linear.
In general, the computation time is constant if the parents are
independent according to
. The independence is violated if
any variable receives inputs from a latent variable through multiple paths
or from two latent variables which are dependent according to
According to our experience, almost maximally factorial
suffice for latent variable models. It seems that a good model
structure is usually more important than a good approximation of the
posterior probability of the model. Density estimates of continuous
valued latent variables offer a large advantage over point estimates
in being robust against over-fitting and providing a cost function
suitable for learning model structures. With ensemble learning the
density estimates are almost as efficient as point estimates.